The Young Democrats of North Carolina are in

from April 28th to

April 30th, 2023.

See the full schedule.

Register for convention.


your chapter.

Frequently asked questions.

Who can come to convention?

All Democrats are welcome at the Young Democrats of North Carolina's annual convention. There will be opportunities to meet elected officials, candidates, party leaders, and other Democrats of all ages, and to learn from them too. Our programming is designed around the needs and interests of our membership, which includes the North Carolina Association of Teen Democrats, the College Democrats of North Carolina, and the Young Democrats of North Carolina.

Elections and official business are limited to the credentialed members of the Young Democrats of North Carolina. Check with your chapter president to confirm your membership, and if you live in a county without a chapter, you can register as an at-large member here.

What will I do at convention?

Convention consists of several events spanning three days: our welcome reception on Friday evening, programming all of Saturday, and official business and election of new officers on Sunday morning. Your ticket to convention includes access to the entire event and a free ticket to the luncheon on Saturday. The YDNC Convention Committee is finalizing a schedule of engaging speakers, trainings, and opportunities for attendees. When it it's ready, it will be publicly available on this page.

What should I do if I have accessibility concerns?

All venues and hotels used by YDNC are ADA accessible. It is the intent of the Young Democrats to meet the needs of our attendees and to have a fully accessible event. If you have additional accessibility concerns, please get in direct contact with the Young Democrats at and register for the event early so that we will have time to prepare any accommodations.

Will this convention be hybrid?

Official business and elections will be performed in a hybrid meeting format so that members can cast votes online. Additional programming will be in-person with recordings of speakers and trainings available online in the days following convention.